MARK WISH is the author of the novels Necessary Deeds, Watch Me Go, Show Up Look Good, and Confessions of a Polish Used Car Salesman, receiving praise from the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic's C. Michael Curtis, Salman Rushdie, Anne Serling, Daniel Woodrell, Jonathan Lethem, and Rebecca Makkai. Mark is also the founding editor of Coolest American Stories, an award-winning annual anthology of short stories by writers from all walks of life for readers from all walks of life. His own short stories have appeared in more than 125 print venues, including The Best American Short Stories, The Georgia Review, TriQuarterly, American Short Fiction, The Antioch Review, New England Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, The Yale Review, The Gettysburg Review, Fiction, The Southern Review, Glimmer Train, Crazyhorse, The Missouri Review, Fiction International, and The Sun. He is the recipient of a Tobias Wolff Award, a Kay Cattarulla Award, an Isherwood Fellowship, and a Pushcart Prize. His narrative poems have appeared in venues such as Poetry, The Iowa Review, Ecotone, Prairie Schooner, New York Quarterly, Post Road, and Poetry International.
Mark served as the fiction editor of California Quarterly, was the founding fiction editor of New York Stories, and a contributing editor for Pushcart. He's long been known as the freelance editor who has revised the fiction of many once-struggling writers, leading them to representation by agents, book deals, and publication in dozens of respected venues including The Atlantic, Tin House, The Kenyon Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, The Antioch Review, The Hudson Review, and The Best American Short Stories.
Mark lives on Song Lake in upstate New York with his wife Elizabeth and their two cats, Raymond and Leonard.